Nurses are the unsung heroes of the medical field—they not only provide the day-to-day care of hospitalized patients, but they also perform tasks few others are willing to do. Among this hardworking group, there have been a few nurses whose names stand above the rest—ones whose actions changed not only the personal world of a patient, but the society at large. Ms. Joy Sandhya is one nurse who led a life of service, using her knowledge and talents to help as many people as possible. She is only one Nurse Educator in India, Awarded by UNICEF – “Guardian of Hope”. She became a First Master Educator, founding both the Visiting Nurse Educator Service and the Child Health Care to provide aid for those in need. As a Spinster she has completed her Masters in Nursing & Child Psychology. Joy was also a Trainer for women and children, establishing the Girl Children Community in Tamil Nadu in 2011 and lobbying to end child labor. She eventually founded the Children’s Health Care Cell in 2014. The Indian Nursing Council (Autonomous Body under the Government of India, Ministry of Health) has certified herself as Master Trainer of Nurses. Stanford School of Medicine USA also appreciated her as Master Trainer for Nurse Educator Contribution to Pre Hospital Care Units. Sandhya is also organizing Child Health Workshops in schools to make children realize the importance of Sex Education. Her initiative called, ‘Reconnect with Health’ has been implemented in 25 schools in Tamil Nadu.
Joy Sandhya – Guardian of hope